Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My first blog

Should I be excited? I'm not sure. I've always liked to be able to put my thoughts down, but whenever I did, I was always looking for a comment or a "like". Why? I guess it's the whole social-media thing... Maybe it was my looking to fit in... I'm not sure.

Well, I've gotten to the point that if you don't like me or what I have to say, that's OK. I know who I am, not only as a person and a runner, but more importantly as a follower of Jesus Christ!

Alright, so why "Finally Get It - Runner", you ask? Well, I started running in April of '09 for weight loss and as of this writing, over 2 years later and over 75 lbs lost, I know it needs to be part of my life until I can't do it anymore. There's no "I don't wanna!", not a "the weather sucks!", nor any other excuses, barring hospitalization or severe family emergencies, that will keep me from my asphalt therepy! I always knew running was good for me, but in high school, I didn't like it, in the Marine Corps I hated it, and when I became a corrections officer (at 300 lbs, by the way) I loathed it! I knew I had to do something though. Diabetes runs in the family, and my blood pressure was borderline at 144/82.

I'd tried the magic beans... The eat this, not that... The no carbs, protein only... None of it stuck! I was always hungry! But then I started counting calories in January of '09 and lost 20 lbs by April (when I started running) and knew I had to do more. I started on the treadmill at the gym before lifting weights. It was OK. It wasn't until I got frustrated at work that I let my anger fuel my run. That was it! I finally got it! Not that I had to be angry to run, but running was relaxing! It made sense. Even though it was hard, and sometimes it still is, I finished each run getting stronger and cutting more calories.

So, I had to figure some things out along the way: proper hydration; when to fuel on carbs; do I eat what I burn off to keep the weightloss going; how to run injury free.

I've made a lot of progress, in my opinion, and now as a barefoot/minimalist runner, I am faster than when I started. My recovery time is minimal. I've run a full marathon (5:56:00 slow, but I finished and wasn't last). I'm at the point that I've been running every day since 5/11/11, and I love running! I've come a long way.

Now, my wife is working on her own weightloss, by counting calories and working out, and she's lost 17 lbs since 5/20/11 (I've lost 17 lbs since the same date since we're both eating healthier and I have her to keep me accountable). Maybe I can get her running with me some time in the near future...

Well, if you've read this far, cool! I guess you could leave a comment, but I'm not looking for one. I just wanted to see what it was like to write a blog.